Me again .... sorry After great succes with 2 thermostats mounted and using AIO NEO on PC and smartphone, i would try a room with a thermostat and the wall-thermostat (i like to take this step by step!). After fooling a little around with making connections the best way, and trying different connections, suddenly the wall-thermostat stopped receiving commands/change of settings, but still was able to provide information i could see in NEO remote. In order to try to fix it, i deleted all information about the wall-thermostat in the CCU-2 and i made a reset of the wall-thermostat (WT). Now it is no longer possible to 'teach-in' the device. I start teach-in on the CCU2 and press 'boost' for 3 seconds and both devices start counting down, but they doesn't find each other. The antenna symbol on the WT is lighting up during the count-down. I have also tried to reboot the CCU2 (from the console application). What have i done wrong, and what can i do to solve it!